Is it my imagination, or is that clock getting louder by the moment? And the second hand, it's moving faster, isn't it? Yes, yes, look at it! See? It's whirling like a fan! Feel the breeze?
I sat down at the computer a scant few mintues ago, and yet that big fat lying clock says three hours have passed. What nefarious plot is afoot?
Alas, and alack, it is I. I've done it to myself. (again)
The other day, I read something attributed to that prolific writer Anonymous: "Writing is 2% talent, and 98% being able to resist the distraction of the Internet." Well, ain't that the truth?! At least, it is for me. I sure didn't resist today. Been checking out some other blogs. Good ones, too.
But the thing is, I fully intended to whip out a quick posting for this blog so I could get back to editing my book, and now, in the snap of a finger, POOF! three hours, gone forever.
My mother used to warn me about "good intentions." She said they're the paving stones on
(I don't agree with that, but I wish I could hear her say it again, just one more time.)
In the seventies and eighties, this sign used to be posted on the street right in front of our house. We all KNEW what it was supposed to mean, but our three kids still took a lot of ribbing over it.
Here's some signs that cracked me up. Hope you get a kick out of them, too.
- On a septic tank: We're #1 in the #2 business.
- Over a gynecologist's office: Dr. Jones, at your cervix.
- At a proctologist's door: To expedite your vist, please back in.
- On a plumber's truck: We repair what your husband fixed.
- On another plumber's truck: Don't sleep with a drip. Call your plumber.
- On an electrician's truck: Let us remove your shorts.
- On a dry cleaner's window: Grime doesn't pay.
- On a maternity room door: Push. Push. Push.
- On a taxidermist's window: We know our stuff.
- On a music shop window: Gone Chopin. Be Bach in a minuet.
- Outside a muffler shop: No appointment necessary. We hear you coming.
- In front of a funeral parlor: Drive carefully. We'll wait.
- At a propane filling station: Tank heaven for little grills.
OK, enough for now. I'll
So, how about you? Do you sometimes let that crafy internet (or something else) get between you and your writing? Or you and your housework, or yardwork, whatever? (MUCH more forgiveable!) Is procrastination your middle name? Oh, do tell, and if you've learned how to discipline your time spent online, how'd you do it? What's your big secret?
Until next time, take care of yourselves. And each other. Might be back tomorrow. Might not. Have to hit the grocery store tomorrow. Should've gone yesterday (senior discount day at Publix) but I (ahem) put it off. (At least, I'm consistent!)